RUNMODAL.DLL This DLL will allow you to run any EXE as if it were modal to your application. Here's how it works: you pass the window handle (hWnd) of the calling application along with the executable line (including command-line parameters) to the DLL. The DLL then creates a tiny modal dialog box (you can see this for a second on your screen). This dialog box in turn hides itself and runs the command-line you passed to it. It then sets up a call-back function which monitors Windows messages until the application you called terminates. The dialog box then terminates itself and returns control to your program. NOTE: This ONLY will work with Windows 3.1 and later. One of the functions used is specific to 3.1 (the NotifyRegister function). If you must have 3.0 compatibility, this function is not for you. However, you can download MODALE.ZIP which contains a less elegant solution. Bugs: The only bug I've found so far is that the called app can lose the focus and it won't regain it when the calling app does. The best solution to this I can see is to have the called app check and see what has the focus and, if it is your calling app, set the focus back to the called app. Experiment and see what is appropriate for you. In many cases, changes won't be necessary. *** USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK *** Be sure to test thoroughly in your environment. Report any problems back to me at Compuserve 70720,3425. Syntax ------ Declare Function MakeEXEModal% lib "runmodal.dll" (byval hWnd%, byval commandLine$) where: -hWnd% is the window handle of the calling application (use formname.hwnd) -commandLine$ is the command line to execute (including command-line parameters)